Dalmation Jasper Tumbled Stone Pendant
Dalmation Jasper - Animal Lover
Helps you relax and have fun.
Dalmation Jasper
Lessens or removes disillusionment.
Protection from nightmares, depression and negative thinking.
Use a crystal associated with your Zodiac sign, or one with healing or other properties that you feel drawn to.
Healing & other properties associated with crystals are given for information only. These are based on the beliefs of various crystal healing practitioners, but should not be used to replace conventional medical advice or treatment.
Wearing a gemstone associated with your Zodiac sign is said to enrich your life and enhance positivite qualities of your sign.
Astro Health & Energy
Crystals to heal & empower.
Aquarious Jan 21 - Feb 19
Element - Air
Ruling Planet - Uranus
Symbol - The Water Carrier
Mode - Thought
Colour - Electric Blue
Flower/plant - Dandelion
Affirmation - I UNIVERSALISE
Aquarius alternative stones - Fluorite/Garnet